Sai Baba’s control over the Natural Power:
Once at night, there was a horrendous tempest in Shirdi. The sky thick dark cloud turns out to be harsh. The wind blows persuasively. The mists wandered and the light shone, and the rain began in the rain. For some time, the entire space was loaded up with water, every one of the creatures, flying creatures, creatures, and men were exceptionally perplexed. And they all achieved the Masjid for a safe house.
There are numerous local idols, however, none of them came to help. That is the reason they all petitioned Baba – their God, who adored their commitment, interceded and pulverized in the tempest. Baba turned out and remained in the side of the Masjidmai, pushing the tempest and tending to in the uproarious voice – “Stop, stop your annoyance and quiet down.” In almost no time the rain diminished, the breezes were blowing, and the tempest came at a stop. At that point, the moon grew in the sky, and villagers returned home.
Here ’s a second incident showcasing how Baba controlled the external elements. Once on a fine day at noon, the fire of Dhuni started to burn blazingly. No Sooner the fire began coming to the roof. Devotees in the Masjid were confused and did not realize what to do. Baba got upraised his satka and devastated him against the front post, “Descend, quiet down.” At each stroke of the satka, the fire calms down and ended up normal. And in almost no time the Dhuni wound up quiet and ordinary.
Such a Lord Incarnate Sai Baba is. He will favor any man who will prostrate and surrender himself to Him. He, who will peruse the accounts of this Chapter every day with confidence and dedication, will before long be free from all adversity.
Acceptance as a Devotee:
No one knew when Baba had accepted the devotee. It depends on his beloved desire. We will see how Baba accepted devotees with help of two incidents.
Devotion of Pandit
Tatteshab Noolkar’s friend, Dr. Pandit once came to Shirdi. After taking Baba’s Darshan, he stayed for a while in the Masjid. Baba asked him to go to Dadabhat Kelkar’s house. Both left for Masjid to take darshan of Baba. Dadabhat adored Baba.
No one until the point that at that point set out to apply Chandan to Baba’s forehead. Just Mhalsapati used to apply it. In any case, this basic hearted passionate, Dr. Pandit, took Dabadhat’s dish containing Puja-materials and removing Chandan from it, drew a Tripundra on Baba’s forehead.
To the amazement of all, Baba kept quiet without expressing a solitary word. At that point Dababhat that night asked Baba, “How is it, that you allowed Pandit to apply Chandan to your forehead.?” Baba answered that Dr. Pandit trusted Him to be the equivalent as his Guru, Raghunath Maharaja of Dhopeshwar, known as Kaka Puranik, and he applied Chandan to his forehead. As he was doing to his Guru.
Siddhi Phalke
It was not known when Baba had accepted the devotee. It depends on his beloved desire. This is the story of Siddique Phalke. Shirdi came after a Mahadodhana named Siddique Phalke after the pilgrimage of Mecca and Medina. He lived in Chawdi and was sitting in the open premises of the Masjid. Baba ignored him for nine months and did not allow them to walk in the Masjid. Phalke felt very disappointed and did not know what to do. Someone advised him not to be dejected and approach Madhavrao Deshpande, a close devotee of Baba.
Shama asked Baba for reason for denial of Haji’s stepping into the Masjid.? Baba said,” What will I do if the Allah does not permit me? Without their grace, who will be in the Masjid. ?
Baba asked Shama to confirm if Phalke is ready to pay 40000 in 4 portions. Shyama came back with the appropriate response that he was eager to pay even 40 lacs. Again Baba said to Shama-“We will butcher a goat, ask him what will he have?.” Shama came back with the response that the Haji would be glad to get a little portion from the pot.
Hearing this Baba got energized and approached him and said “For what reason do you gloat and extravagant yourself extraordinary and present yourself as an old Haji? You are pleased with your journey to Macca, yet you don’t have any acquaintance with Me.” Baba at that point returned to the Masjid, obtained a couple of crates of mangoes and sent them to the Haji. Baba also gave rs.55 from his pocket to Haji. From that time Haji became a staunch devotee of Baba and was enrolled in Baba’s Darbar.