The below two incidents demonstrates omniscience – the omniscient idea of Baba and his love for devotees.
Mr. Cholkar’s sugar tea
At first, Baba was known in the regions of Poona and Ahmednagar. yet Nanasaheb Chandorkar spread Baba’s fame by his own discussions and Dasgunu by the best kirtans. Indeed, it was DasGanu who, by his lovely and unseemly Kirtans, made Baba accessible to such huge numbers of individuals.
The watchers who come to tune in to the kirtans have distinctive tastes. The impact of hearing Dasganu’s kirtan on the psyches of a group of onlookers was any way electric, in a manner of speaking. We give an example here.
Dasganu was playing out his kirtan once in Kupineshwar temple in Thane and singing the acclaim of Sai Baba. One Mr. Cholkar attended the Kirtan. He tuned in to Dasangu’s kirtan with the most consideration and went excessively.
There he bowed down rationally and guaranteed to Baba – “Baba, I am a needy individual who can’t bolster my family. On the off chance that I pass a departmental examination by your elegance, and get a changeless post. So, I will go to Shirdi, fall on your feet and circulate sugar treat in your name. ”
As promising, Mr. Cholkar passed the examination and got a perpetual post. Or on the other hand was it the better decision would be made to please their guarantee, as quickly as time permits.
Mr. Cholkar was a poor man and also the family expenses were run on his salary. He couldn’t pay for Shirdi travel costs.
Since Mr. Cholar was stressed over satisfying his pledge as quickly as time permits, he settled financial aspects, to cut his costs and set aside some cash. He settled not to utilize sugar in his eating. And began taking tea without sugar.
Following this he could spare some cash, he came to Shirdi, fell on Baba’s feet, offered a coconut, as per his promise he distributed sugar sweet to all. He revealed to Baba that he was extremely content with his reasoning and that day his desire was satisfied. Mr. Cholkar was with Bapusaheb Jog in the Masjid.
At the point when the host and visitors were both up and going to leave the mosque, Baba addressed Jog: “GiveMr. Cholkar glass of tea, totally immersed with sugar.” Upon tuning in to these critical words, Shri Cholkar went in particular, he was astonished. His eyes were on the bed with tears, and he again fell on Baba’s feet.
Baba needed his words to make confidence and dedication in Cholkar’s psyche. He demonstrated that he had gotten sugar sweet according to his guarantee and knew exceptionally well his mystery assurance not to utilize sugar in his eating routine.
Baba stated, “In the event that you spread my palms with dedication before me, at that point I am with you quickly, day and night. In any case, I am here physically, yet I recognize what you do. Wherever you go, in the more extensive world, I am with you.Baba gave such an excellent and vital exercise to Mr. Chokar!
Two Lizards
Baba was once sitting in the Masjid. An admirer is sitting before him when a lizard remains before him. From interest, the enthusiast inquired about whether this tick-ticking of reptile has demonstrated anything.? Was it a decent sign or an awful sign?
Baba said that Lizard was extremely glad since his sister from Aurangabad came to see her. The enthusiasts don’t comprehend Baba’s words, sitting unobtrusively. Quickly, a courteous fellow from Aurangabad returned with his horse to see Baba. He needed to advance, yet his pony would not run since he was ravenous.
He pulled a sack from his shoulders and dashed it the ground to evacuate the soil. A lizard turned out from that point and, within the sight of everybody, moved to the wall. She once inclined for her sister.
The two sisters met each other after quite a while, kissing and embracing one another. Where is Shirdi and where is Aurangabad? In what manner should a man please horseback with a reptile from Aurangabad? Also, in what manner should Baba anticipate the gathering of two sisters? This truly is exceptionally brilliant and demonstrates omniscience – the omniscient idea of Baba.