Sai Baba Leelas
In this post, we will have a look at Sai Leela how Baba cured diseases of many devotees. Every one of these incidents proves, that the genuine medication that relieved the different maladies forever was Baba’s sweet words and not meds or medications.

Bhimaaji Patil
Bhimaji Patil, from Taluka Junnar, Narayangaon District, in Poona was experiencing serious and extreme chest torments, which eventually brought about the advancement of tuberculosis. They attempted all the measures, yet they didn’t have any impact. Later to losing all desires, he at long last appealed to God to help him.
So Bhimaji swung to God. It struck him that he ought to counsel Mr. Nanasaheb Chandorkar. So he composed a letter to him, gave every one of the subtle elements of his sickness, and requested his feeling.
Accordingly, Chandorkar advised him to visit Sai Baba of Shirdi. As per the exhortation of Shri Nanasaheb, they prepared to go to Shirdi. He was conveyed to Shirdi. At that point Shri Nanasaheb and Shama were available.
Baba said that this sickness was because of awful karma and he didn’t know about the first intercession. Bhimaji felt sad that he was vulnerable, and got a shield since he had his last expectation and asked compassionately.
Baba said, “Look, your uneasiness is cut, release your worries. However, persecuted and pained one might be, when he ventures into the Masjid, he is on the pathway to happiness. Around then, when Baba told the uplifting statements and consideration, the patient had changed positively.
Baba requested that he remain in Bhimbai’s home, which was not a helpful and solid place but rather he complied with Baba’s directions. While he was there, Baba amended him with two dreams.
In the primary dream, he considered himself to be a genuine kid, who did not get the chance to peruse ‘Swami-verse’ before his lord and writer.
another fantasy, somebody made an explanation behind serious agony and torment by rolling a stone over its chest and base. In such a way, the torment was in the fantasy, the treatment was finished and he went home. He regularly came to Shirdi, acknowledged how Baba improved the situation him. Baba did not expect anything from the devotees, but rather faith and patience.
Bala Ganpat Shampi
Another affectionate devotee of Baba, Ganapati Shimpi was experiencing dangerous jungle fever issues. He attempted a wide range of meds and decoctions, yet squandered. The fever didn’t get cured, so he went and fell on Baba’s feet.
Baba gave him a phase formula, for this situation: – “Give some curd rice to a black dog at Laxmi temple”. Shimpi did not know how to utilize this formula. He went home, at that point he got rice and curd. Taking them together, they saw a dark dog wagging his tail at the Laxmi temple. He put curd and rice before the dog. The puppy ate it and said odd, Shimpi disposed of intestinal sickness.
Bapusaheb Booty
Mr. Bapusaheb was suffering from diarrhea. Their house was loaded up with diminished medications and drugs, yet none of them was compelling. Bapusaheb turned out to be extremely frail because of purging and retching and henceforth couldn’t go to the Masjid.
Baba at that point sent for him and influenced him to sit before Him and stated, now take care all your sufferings will come to an end. Both the diseases took to their foot sole areas and Booty felt well.
On another event, he assaulted cholera and endured serious thirst. Dr. Pillai attempted a wide range of treatment however he couldn’t get any assistance. At that point he went to Baba and exhorted him about what he needed to eat, he tossed his throat and he treated the malady. Baba advised him to eat almonds, walnuts, and pista in milk. Thus the disease was cured.
Swami of Alandi
Once a Swami from Alandi came to Shirdi. He had serious torment in his ear, who kept him from dozing. The torment was extreme and he was unaware of what should be done. He came to Shirdi to take Baba’s blessings. Baba said to him Allah will do the good. After the darshan, he returned to Pune and wrote a letter stating that the pain has ceased. Such were the effects of Sai’s words.